
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This weekend I was blessed to see a Karen Hilltribe, the home of two women who currently work with us. It was a LOOOOONG journey, one we did not think we would make (9 hours of windy and very bumpy roads)

The second day, I chose to say back from going out and seeing another village. I wanted to spend time getting to know the village we worked so hard to get to.

I am glad I stayed. We were shown around the village from the youth leader and he lead us down a steep hill to the home of the first Christian in the village. We had a chance to talk to him outside a little bit. Then when he shared about his ill wife, we asked to pray over her. He said “Yes”. Come inside.

We all gathered and sat in a circle in his simple home. He shares about his wife and how she has a hard time breathing. We prayed over her. He brings in his daughter who is mute and struggles to walk. We pray over her. Then he shared of his journey to faith and with God was slowly able to make an impact on the village he is in. It was such a beautiful moment.

What made it the highlight of my time there, was the translation. Recently I have been getting more discouraged of my ‘lack of perfection’ I am with the Thai language. Yet here in this circle, the man spoke in his village dialect, the youth leader would then translate it into Thai where I then translated it into English. Then the cycle would be reversed back into his native tongue. It seemed effortless.

For me, it was a beautiful and simple reminder as to why I am here. We get to encourage other believers in the faith and cross language barriers.

In order to remain here, I need your help. Will you consider being a financial donor?

There are literally billions of people in Thailand who still have not heard of the Lord Jesus Christ and I hope to bring them the hope and true life that only He can bring. Every donation helps.


Enjoy some pictures from the village below!

The villagers sang us a blessing at church

A typical home-below the home are animals (adds to the sleeping challenge)

The views are breathtaking!


The Neighbor’s cow

These spiders were HUGE and EVERYWHERE!