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Today I went to get a Thai Lemon Tea from the tea vendor next to my work. We started talking and today he seemed to speak to me differently.

A little bit in the conversation he asked “Haven’t you got a boyfriend yet?”the way he asked it this time seemed more sincere and not in the joking manner it usually is in.

I replied “No not yet. I am waiting for God to provide me a good Godly husband.

It was then that I realized that he was listening to a sermon. The bit I caught was talking about doing things in our own strength and how it differs when doing it in God’s strength.

I smiled.

You see, I’ve been praying for my tea vendor for a long time now. Many times we do not get very far in our conversations (probably because he is remembering multiple drink orders at the same time), but I do enjoy the small moments like these and the time on Christmas Day where I shared the Gospel to him for the first time (read about it here).

When my tea was complete he told me “Keep waiting. You are strong. God will provide. Keep waiting.”

So that is what I will do. I will keep waiting and trusting the Lord to keep providing for my every need. It is so easy to worry, but it sure must feel like a slap in the face to God the Father. Worry is a lack of trust.

So I am choosing to trust Him with all that I currently have (or don’t have), my dreams and desires and my finances. He is good and faithful and I am grateful for the life and the many blessings I have already been given.


I am seeking new financial partners so that I am able to continue sharing about Christ to the Thai people. Would you prayerfully consider becoming a financial partner?