
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I’ve been reflecting on my last few years serving in Thailand and I am amazed.
The Lord has brought so many beautiful people across my path. I was blessed to walk along side of them and to hear their stories.
There is one woman, whom I met, let’s call her Tina*. I spent a lot of time teaching her English and other basic life skills (like typing on a computer). We worked hard, shared a lot of fun, sad and trying times together. Finally we found her dream job. We worked, studied, practiced for months. Finally the time came to apply and test for this position. She passed! It was such a beautiful moment of celebration!
Then as we were savoring our final moments together, Tina asked me “Why P’Liz, Why?” I asked what she meant and she explained.
“Why did you help me? You are a good teacher and you could be a professor in Thailand and make a lot of money. Why do you help me and other people for free?”
My response to her was:
“My heart is satisfied and full doing this work. I love helping people who cannot help themselves. I was an engineer in America and I made a lot of money, but my heart was not satisfied. There was no joy. When I am here working with you, I have so much JOY and my heart is very full!”
Tina responds “Thank you, P’Liz. I didn’t think I could get this job, but you always believed in me and loved me. Thank you.”
There are many ‘Tinas’ who come my way and in order to be able to keep training, loving and believing in them, I need your help to keep me here.
My finances have reached an all time low. I lost 6 supporters this month. As a result, I need to raise $1,000 per month in order to remain on the field. 
Will you prayerfully consider donating? Through your one-time or monthly gift, I am able to invest and inspire others like Tina-who never thought it was possible to obtain another career. She now knows her worth and is starting to fight and provide for herself in a good and healthy way. She now dreams, when she once was terrified to do so.